Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sticks and Stripes is growing!

Sticks and Stripes started off as a Fashion Brand, 
but gradually broadened into a much larger land.
Children's Books has always been my Dharma.
While in Fashion School, at the age of 21, I wrote and Illustrated my first Book, "Sticks and Stripes".
Because I went to school for Fashion, my ego said, "it's not ok to do what you didn't get a degree in".
I listened to that voice for many years, enjoying the world of Fashion.
But these stories just wouldn't leave my soul. 
The story I have been working on, brewed inside for a good 5-6 years.
It is finally out and I have moved onto the continuing story that plays in my everyday life.
Don't die with your music still in you, release your inner song-

Your dreams are the children of your soul.
Don't stick to the status quo.
and let go of that EGO.

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