Friday, July 17, 2015

New bed and belly-- 20 weeks

After putting our new bed together, I took a glimpse in the mirror, this pregnancy is getting real.
I never understood why pregnant women posted bare belly pics... and now I'm doing it, such a hypocrite at times:-)  The connection that I'm starting to feel with this little lad is growing with every kick. I've decided to start documenting this bond for him to read years down the road~

My favorite time of day is nesting time. Every time I lie down, you go crazy. The kicks started last week (19 weeks), and only a week later they seem to be getting stronger and more consistent. 
Every kick and punch makes up for the sickness, fatigue and shortness of breath.
So punch away.

To my baby wearing a bonnet of blue,
my favorite place is lying in bed with you,
for it is there that you practice your Kung-fu.
I'm looking forward to your earthbound debut.

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